Course Introduction and Syllabus
Introduction to feedback control: What is feedback control system? , illustrative examples of a feedback control system. System modeling in the time domain: System properties of linearity and time invariance, Dynamics of mechanical systems (translational), Dynamics of mechanical systems (rotational), Dynamics of electrical circuits, Dynamics of electro-mechanical systems. Dynamic response: System response in the time domain, transfer functions, the inverse Laplace transform, time response versus pole locations, time-domain specifications, time response vs. pole locations: Higher-order systems. Basic properties of feedback: Advantage of feedback: Disturbance rejection, Advantage of feedback: Sensitivity and dynamic tracking, Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control, steady-state error, Steady-state error w.r.t. reference input, unity feedback and disturbance. Stability analysis: Bounded-input bounded-output (BIBO) stability, Routh-Hurwitz stability, Routh test as a design tool, applications of the Routh test. Root-locus analysis and design: Manually plotting a root locus, Root-locus plotting rules and techniques, a design example, reducing steady-state error, improving transient response, Compensator implementation. Frequency-response analysis: Plotting a frequency response, Bode magnitude diagrams, Bode phase diagrams, Interlude: Complex functional mapping, Cauchy's theorem and Nyquist's rule, Nyquist test with pole on j-omega axis, stability (gain and phase) margins, preparing for control using frequency-response methods.
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Chapter#3-Time-Domain Analysis of Control
Chapter#5-Root-Locus Analysis and Design
Chapter#6-Frequency Response Analysis
1- Automatic Control Systems [Farid Golnaraghi, Benjamin C. Kuo]