Chapter 1:

Magnetostatic fields: Biot-Savart law’s / Magnetic field of a circular current loop / Ampere’s law: Differential form of Ampere’s law and the curl operator. Stoke’s theorem / Gauss’s law for magnetic fields / Faraday’s law for electrostatic fields / Maxwell’s equations for static fields / Differential operators in electromagnetics / Static fields and potentials



Chapter 2:

Magnetic force on a moving charge / Magnetic force on current / Torque on a current loop / Magnetization / Magnetic materials / Magnetic boundary conditions / Inductors and inductance / Mutual inductance calculations / Internal and external inductance / Magnetic forces in magnetic materials / Magnetic circuits



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Part#5: Download


1- Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics [Author: Fawwaz T. Ulaby]

2- Engineering Electromagnetics [Authors: William H. Hayt and John. A. Buck]

3- Field and wave electromagnetics [Author: David. K. Cheng]

4- Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Electromagnetics [Author: Joseph A. Edminister. Publisher: McGraw-Hill, Singapore, 1993]