The objective of any research is to expand on or extend our current understanding, whether through evaluation of a program or through an experimental design. When working with beginner student researchers, often they have an interest in studying something that had already been well-researched and documented in the literature, such as recidivism. While these proposals were well-meaning, they often failed to account for the existing body of research. Through consultation and conversation that asked how the proposed study would expand on or extend our current understanding, we could arrive at research that had more merit-and was therefore inherently more ethical because there was the potential for benefit to participants, society, and/or the field.
- Real-Time Application of IEC 61850 Standard.
- Power System Automation and Smart Grids.
- Flexible AC Transmission Systems.
- Power System State Estimation.
- Application of Synchrophasors.
- Electrical machines and drives.
- High-voltage DC.
- Power Quality.
- Active Filters.
Potential Research Topics for Undergraduates (Fall 2016/17)
Topic#1(Abstract): Download
Topic#2 (Abstract): Download
Topic#3 (Abstract): Download
My Projects:
Server-Client communication to read-write SMV in real-time
The goal of this C/C++ code is to read and write Sampled Measured Value (SMV) packets. It consists of two parts, one is stand to work as a server and the other is stand to work as a client. The communication among server-client is accomplished using an Ethernet communication. The code is lightweight and platform-independent, so it can run on a variety of devices, including low-cost microcontrollers. The code has been tested under Linux operating system in real-time. This code is useful for rapid-prototyping new power system protection, control, and automation systems that require real-time communications.
Dynamic Simulation of Phasor Estimation in Electrical Power Substation
To enhance the phasor estimation in power substation and move from static to dynamic estimation, Unscented Kalman filter is employed as a dynamic estimator. The model estimates and time-tagging the phasors for 4-buses power substation and compare the result with weighted least squares estimates.